Third accreditation from a ship classification association after DNV and ABSKIOST acquires Korea’s First Accreditation from BV as an Organization Measuring Underwater Radiated Noise from Shipsdetail
KIOST hosts Inauguration Ceremony for Lee Hyi Seung, Its 12th Presidentdetail
Elevating KIOST’s international standing by hosting an international standards meeting in the marine energy sectorHosting of the 16th IEC TC 114 Plenary Meetingdetail
KIOST Uncovers Key Mechanism that Triggers Northwest Pacific Super Typhoonsdetail
Development of drying film culture technology that overcomes the shortcomings of “liquid culture” technology to reduce costs and produce higher levels of beneficial compoundsKIOST Develops Technology to Reduce Costs of Producing Microalgae Rich in Natural Astaxanthindetail